Richard supports residents’ calls for better bus stops

by richardshaw on 14 May, 2014

Richard Shaw is supporting calls by local residents for improvements to local bus stops.

Richard Shaw is supporting calls by residents for improvements to local bus stops.

Liberal Democrat candidate Richard Shaw is supporting local Chancet Wood and Meadowhead residents in calling for better bus stops for the area, including new electronic time displays. After having their number 17 bus service slashed, elderly and vulnerable residents now face having to walk longer distances to access bus services. However, some of their nearest bus stops lack seating or even timetables.

Wendy Zealand, District Chair of the local Neighbourhood Watch group, contacted Richard to highlight this problem. She said:

“When residents come out of the Chancet Wood estate, we never know if we have just missed a bus and often have a long wait and nowhere to sit if disabled. The bus stop is also a bit of a blind spot too when it is sunny, so you sometimes cannot see the numbers on the buses coming down the hill. If we had an electronic display you would know what to expect and would know whether to stop the bus or not at those times.”

It has been revealed that the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) has earmarked £46,000 for up to 7 new electronic real-time displays for bus stops along the main bus route between the city centre and Meadowhead. 

Richard said:
“I welcome this future investment in our local bus stops. As part of my campaign for better bus services, I am calling for our bus stops to also be improved and believe priority consideration should be given to those serving residents who cannot walk long distances or stand for very long, for their own comfort, convenience and above all, safety.”