Concerns over tree maintenance

by richardshaw on 18 March, 2014

Richard and Simon on Crawshaw Grove

If you are concerned about trees in your street, Richard and Simon are happy to help.

Richard Shaw and the local Lib Dem team are continuing to act on concerns about the Council’s tree maintenance programme and also damage being caused by trees to pavements and property. Residents are also worried about pavements being covered in moss or leaves, which then becomes hazardous in the wet weather.

Local people have reported damage caused by trees to pavements, including on Crawshaw Grove. Streets Ahead have inspected the trees and will now prune some of them later this year, in order to clear the highway and meet required standards.

There have also been complaints that where trees have been pruned or removed, the ground has not been properly levelled afterwards. Local people have also got in touch about about the lack of information from Streets Ahead. Residents say they have been told to expect work on trees in their area, but don’t know when.

Richard said:

“Trees are an important part of the character of our area and they need to be managed properly. Residents should be properly informed of when work is expected to begin and when the work is carried out, residents should be able to expect it won’t be left partly unfinished.”

If you are having problems with trees in your area, please get in touch and we would be happy to help.