How you can help save our local libraries

by richardshaw on 20 October, 2013

Sheffield Lib Dem councillors, campaigners and local residents are fighting to save our libraries

Richard and the Sheffield Lib Dems are campaigning to save Sheffield’s libraries

Over 14,000 people have now signed the petition against the Council’s plans to close 16 of Sheffield’s libraries, including both Jordanthorpe and Greenhill libraries. As part of our campaign to save the libraries we have organised two events next week.

Public Meeting – Save Greenhill Library

Tuesday 22nd October from 7pm (Doors open from 6.30pm) at Greenhill School – Main Hall, Greenhill Main Road, S8 7RA.
Please come along to hear from local library campaigners about possible options for saving the library and to raise any concerns or suggestions you might have.

Public Demonstration in support of Greenhill Library

Thursday 24th October from 3:30pm. Meet outside Greenhill Library. 
Please come and show your support for our community libraries.

Libraries Consultation

This month, the Council have launched a consultation about their plans to shut community libraries in Sheffield.

If you have just 5 minutes, please take part in the council’s online consultation. This is your opportunity to tell the council why their closure plans don’t make sense, and how important libraries are to you and your community.

You can take part by clicking HERE.

YOU can help save our library

Thank you to everyone who has already signed our petition or offered to help in other ways. If you would like to find out how you can help the campaign to save the libraries then please click the link below for more information.

Help save our libraries