Local confusion over tree works

by richardshaw on 9 September, 2013

Campaigners call for rethink on local trees due to residents’ concerns

Council contractors Amey are currently in the process of identifying and removing trees which they deem to be dead, dangerous or dying. However, during a recent survey by local campaigner Richard Shaw, local people complained about the lack of clarity and consistency over which trees are to be felled and why.

Local campaigner Richard Shaw and one of the trees marked for removal on Folds Lane

Local campaigner Richard Shaw and one of the trees marked for removal on Folds Lane

These concerns were raised with Amey and a meeting with Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, local residents and arboricultural staff was held on Friday 30th August in order to discuss their plans for the trees in the Folds Lane area and nearby streets. As a result, Amey will be reassessing their initial proposals.

Local campaigner Richard Shaw said,

“It’s important to deal with trees which are dangerous or are causing damage. However, trees are a key part of the identity of this area, so they need to be managed sympathetically in accordance with the wishes of the community.”

Are trees causing a problem in your area? What are your views on the local works? Please do contact us and we will do our best to help.